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Smart Group, Inc and Tallento Corp Announce a Strategic Alliance

Atualizado: 27 de set. de 2022

BRIDGEPORT, CT. March 27, 2020 -- TALLENTO CORP and SMART GROUP INC today announced a strategic alliance. Under the agreement Tallento Corp will count on Smart Group Inc expertise to modernize Tallento solutions' and accelerate its growth and expansion plans also enabling Tallento Corp to steadily and efficiently develop the US and South American energy and construction markets. In addition, Smart Group will provide infrastructure to support Tallento business's operation. Tallento will utilize Smart Group open platforms to manage workloads, customer service plus financial and accounting applications. The improvements will allow Tallento Corp to better serve their customers.

Smart Group Inc will also make Tallento its primary source of construction and energy efficiency projects, adding these elements to its vast group of services offered. Tallento will help increase Smart Group Inc solutions to their over 15 thousand of customers with innovative energy strategies, construction, and project management capabilities.

"At Tallento Corp, we're constantly evolving to better serve customers by efficiently presenting them with all construction and energy efficiency solutions they need," said Daniel Martins, CEO of Tallento Corp. "This includes optimizing our core operations and modernizing our internal business applications to accelerate innovation. Through our collaboration with Smart Group Inc, we're adopting responsible and secure financial strategies and growth plans that will ultimately help accelerate our leadership in the energy efficiency and construction industry."

Tallento Corp has a strong commitment to utilizing all sources for best practices, prime customer service, and quality on project management relying on Smart Group Inc platforms to manage the workloads associated with Tallento rapid growth and wide range of service offerings. On the heels of Smart Group Inc recent South American market expansion, Tallento Corp will also have a quick and broad access to this promising and vibrant market.

"Building on Smart Group 18-year relationship with Daniel Martins Tallento Corp CEO, today's agreement is another major step forward in delivering flexibility to Tallento so it can provide Smart Group and its customers with innovative services at a faster pace than ever before," said Eric Rosales, Smart Group Inc CEO. "We are proud to collaborate with Tallento Corp, provide the scale and performance of our global footprint of financial, accounting, customer service and deliver a common environment on which they can build once and deploy in any one of the appropriate footprints to be successful and grow as one of the leaders in the industry."

The agreement between Smart Group Inc and Tallento Corp was signed in Q1, 2020.

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